Basic steps
Meals in general (if you can follow these rules, it is the half of the success)
It is needed to eat minimum 4 times a day and most appropriate is to eat 5-6 times. When you have a bigger pause (4 hours) between the meals then it is more likely for your body to store the food into fat. It is important to what system you have learned your body. If your body know how to use more fat so even pause 4 hours between meals will not hurt you. Everything depends of course what kind of sport are you doing and how many energy you spent during games, practices, trainings.
If you want stay in shape and loose some weights than try to follow:
Recommendations for drinking water for a day:
0,5 liters (max 0,7 liter) for every 15kg of your weight.
Morning: 0,3 – 0,5 liter
Between meals: 0,25-0,5 liter ,max. 2 dcl. to drink after the meal
Before sleep: up to 2,5 dcl
After training: 0,5-0,7 liter
Sequence (what is priority):
1.) vegetables, fruits
2.) Lean meat (beef, venison meat, turkey, chicken) eggs, soya, legumes, bl. beans
3.) Dairy products, 1-2 pieces
4.) Fats and Oils
-Fats (which are suitable):
-Steam on olive oil, flaxseed oil, pumpkin oil (2-4 spoons)
-Dressing with olive oil
-Chopped nuts instead of smoked-meat products
-Unsalted nuts instead of chips
-Walnut whole-meal dough
-Ripe avocados, walnut, poppy seed, soya spread
-The crushed flax or sesame seeds (delivers good quality fats)
Lean fish:
-trout, pike, perch, chub, salmon, mackerel, tuna
Breakfast basics (saccharides -so you get your metabolism started)
Cereals (flakes, whole-meal) pasta, fruits (also dried in oat meal), tortillas, muesli, natural rice, in the morning you can feel free to have sweetened drink like orange juice with no added sugar.
Spelt, whole wheat or Graham bread, pastry not white or colored !!! If white bread than eat with olive oil or with butter. (It will push the glycemic index down)
Ham (no salami, sausages), low-fat hard cheese
Wholegrain crisp-bread, rice racio sandwiches, red beans and corn
Appropriate quantities of what you like, of course healthy !!! not bacon, and sausage!!! But sometimes bacon is not bad.
After 17,00 limit the fruit or don´t eat it at all .
Vegetables with meat, fish, non-fat cheese, prefer dressing from herb oil rather than sauce.
limit the intake (be careful)
-white rice, rising or shortbread, potato dough from white flour = mix
-Potato + flour
-Eat more fruits before lunch and after lunch it is better to eat vegetables but not in big amounts.
From 45-to 90min. After training rather PROTEIN shake (70% protein, 30% saccharides) do not make it sooner than 45 minutes after the training. Drink only water or mineral water.
90min after training eat solid food because the body is asking for it.
If you finish the training after 21:00, you should drink only protein shake or smaller amount of food which is rich mainly on protein.
Sleep is important from 22,00(10pm)-24,00(12pm) you get most of the relax in that time.
You should eat at least 3 hours before sleep! So you won´t have bad dreams 🙂