Jean Evina-Head Coach Evina Football Camp

Jean Evina-Head Coach Evina Football Camp

Jean Eric EVINA (Head Coach Evina Football Camp)

Country: France

Current team: Evina Fc

Previous team: Antony Fc

How did you get into sport?

My mother want me to do a sport because i was alone when i was too young, no brother so she put me in a small team named Levallois SC in France. I start there in U15 too late for a footballer.

Who got you in to sport?

My mother.

Would you refer an agent to sportsmen, which wants to go abroad or to a better team in their league?

Yes why not, but it’s important first to have video highlights of your good games. It will be easier for agent to work with and try to get you a team who will see your quality and give you time to grow.

If you had an opportunity to start all over again, would you choose the same sport as you are doing right now, If so, why?

Probably the same sport because i love football, i just regreat starting football older, but i did good things, so i don’t have another sport in my head instead of playing football.

What was the best you can remember from time you are coach?

It was when i was u15 coach in Jeunesse Antony (France) I took the team in bottom of division we loose the promotion one point to the first place. It was amaizing lads played as I want and had a very good fighting spirit and winner mentality.

Can you name one bad and one good experience?

Bad: Racisim in football, some people are not prepare to see black coach on the bench in high level or semi pro level. What a pitty. I saw it in one of my football training camp in east europe side with my team in georgia.

Good: Playing a pratice game with my team against CD Mallorca in spain in 2010. We lost 2-1 just 4 days before Cristiano ronaldo start in spain with real madrid against the same team that i lost 2-1. Mallorca was in top of Liga league this time.

Is there anything else you would like to achieve in your sport?

Yes I want to continue what I am doing now, find some good players in small suburb city around Paris, making team and travel over the world to show them and make them see another football. I want to do it as long as I can.

What is your advice for young players?

Work hard first and trust of their qualities.never give up and take risk. Be careful about fake agent and fake people around them. Listening their first opinion of someone. First feeling.

When, where and how should they start?

I think they should start in countries where people leave them time to success. For my opinion east europe side Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, Moldavia, Georgia where the league is not high enough.

When? 20 years old it’s perfect to go and see abroad.

Are there any special abilities which player needs in your sport?

In football player need to be smart and clever on the pitch. Technicaly must now how and what use ball properly to help the team. He must go a mental and physical abilities, fit, fast and strong. But the best quality it’s to be a team leader.

What would you refer to players so they could be successful?

First be smart, be huumble, and work hard. Because in football nothing it’s easy. You must improve every day at training and games. And show to the coach that you are the best option for the team.

Are you a fan of other sports, do you watch other sports in your free time?

Yes I love rugby and basket ball. I’m fan of collective sport generally.

Who was your idol when you started?

It’s was David Ginola when he played in PSG team in 1995.

Nothing else to say just keep faith and work hard for what you don’t control in football and trust in your football qualities.



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