Nikola Masonicic: “I find myself in volleyball “

Nikola Masonicic: “I find myself in volleyball “

Nikola Masonicic

Height: 1.88cm, Weight: 86kg


Position: Coach

Sport: Volleyball

Current team: Galeb, Head coach of national team Montenegro

Previous teams: Luka Bar

Awards: Coach of the year 2019 of Bar

1.) How did you get into sport? Who or what got you into sport?

I have been involved in sports since early childhood, first sport was basketball then football. When I was 12 years old i started with volleyball until today.

2.) If you had an opportunity to start all over again, would you choose the same sport as you are doing right now? If so, why? Or would it be a different sport? Or totally different profession?

I find myself in volleyball and would certainly play volleyball again. Through volleyball I met a lot of good people who become my friends. Volleyball and sport make me happy.

3.) Do you prefer cooperation with agents or searching teams alone?

I have done all the negotiations so far but I would like to have an agent who will do it for me.

4.) What is your biggest success in your sport career till now?

There are many, but I would single out: National Cup with my club Galeb 2016, 2018, 2019 Gold medal at the Balkan championship with youth national team 2018 Gold medal at the olimpic games for small states of Europe 2019

5.) What’s your advice for young athletes?

I advise them that everything they do be honest and fair. Every day to give the maximum of themselves. It is not always easy but if they do it will be nice.

6.) Is there a goal you didn´t achieve yet or is there a country you would like to try?

Of course, I would love to get a job on a higher level and to qualify for the European Championship.

7.) Who was your idol when you started? Is there somebody who is still giving you an advice?

I don’t have idols but I enjoy watching Novak Djokovic and Ronnie O’Sullivan.



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