What to be careful about when communicating with the club before signing

What to be careful about when communicating with the club before signing

Each country, league and team has its own unique system of communicating with players.

Not only you need to know how to evaluate offers from different places and which leagues are the best, you also need to understand how the recruitment and selection process works. The goal is not to make fundamental mistakes on this path.

If you have already decided to contact the club on your own without using the agent who would help you in communication with the club, then we have some tips and advices for you.

Communication mistakes are the most common mistake athletes make. That is mainly about sending messages about myself to any team I find somewhere on the website. Just think that there are hundreds of other players, just like you, trying to get into a team. You have to be different from the beginning.

The first impression is extremely important, so the initial message you send to any team or coach could be crucial for your career. Especially with the best teams that receive a huge amount of news.

Do a team survey, find out the names of the coaches, and explain why you like this team, why you think you will make a good contribution to this team.

Be sure not to use phrases like:

“I just need a chance!”, “I’m the best at dribbling,” “I’ll bring you the championship,” and so on … Hold off from phrases, statements, and promises like these!

If your highlight or the entire video from the match proves it, the teams will see you as a suitable candidate and will not regret signing you. Soccer, Handball, Basketball and Volleyball are team sports, not just about you. Avoid excessive use, overly sensational and obviously despising messages. No team will take you seriously if you use slang words such as “Hi brother”, “I’m sure I’ll get you”, “you killed it” and so on. The message you are sending must be adequate and not very long or short.

Don’t just send a link of your highlight video without introducing yourself who you really are. It is not appropriate to write about your lifelong story in the first report. You will have time for that if the club addresses you and will ask you various questions.

Proper information about the league/country: Some important things you need to know before you start talking to the team are:

1.) Rules for recruiting a player in a specific league, whether there is a draft, or it is necessary to register somewhere, how many foreigners can play in one team.

2.) The level of the league, whether it is suitable for your performance and progress, what salaries are in the league.

3.) History of the team, what successes has the club achieved in previous years, what players played there before, what coaches led the team, whether they also play international competition, cup

Teams choose players with extreme caution because it determines the overall success of the team. Try to be informed as best as possible so that your goal, which is of interest to the team, is the most effective. When the team addresses you, you will be able to react well and it is only a big + in the selection process

Coaches do not have time to give you answers to your general questions. Don’t make this mistake, find the right sources yourself. And ask the right questions to the right person!

Arrogance can be your number one enemy no matter how good you are. Keep your ego in control, you are not the only player who can sign the team. Behaving off the field as a person is even more important than your sports qualities. Don’t fail there and abstain from phrases like “I’m better than your former foreigner” or “I’m better than the player you had last year.” You’ve looked at the latest matches from the team you’re communicating with, and now you feel you can judge the situation. Don’t do it, the club’s coaches and managers are here to judge someone’s quality or importance to their team.

If you need help to be found and looked up by some team, portal TROPHY14 is here for you. By registering on TROPHY 14: Trophy 14 – Home you will fill out all the required information which the club needs to know about you and you can just share your profile so you can be discovered by clubs, managers and agents.




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