Beating someone as an outsider or even wining the trophy.

Beating someone as an outsider or even wining the trophy.

Coincidence or hard work?

It is necessary to look for a harmonization of all circumstances after every single success, so that everything fits together and in the end a result which is expected, can sometimes seem as a surprise.

A few helping points:

-Building a suitable team (types of players), who must understand each other is not always easy. Bits and pieces from all around. You need to have a motivator who will build up the confidence even in tough moments, you should also have an entertainer who will ease the situation. It should be balanced.

-Determining real boundaries/possibilities of what results we can achieve with the team (never should be underestimated). Dreaming big will pay off … if we set goals low, we will never be able to achieve big things.

-Working hard on every single detail from diet, sleep, training and every single activity in training, so that you get the most out of yourself. Training should be done as if you were playing a league/competitive match.

-The force of the team. Players will influence your efforts/behavior, but only by doing so can you show that you are the best strong individual (good skills) who pulls together as a team.

-Team must hold on to one rope even if they fail, they should encourage one another. Not signing off my teammate when something goes wrong. On the contrary, he needs to be encouraged to “stand up and fight”.

-Not always the stronger wins (nothing should be underestimated). Even a strong opponent can have his weaker day. There is always a high chance of winning if you go full on. Often stronger underestimates the weaker opponent and therefore there are surprises.

-Terms created for the player such as regeneration, food quality, financial stability in terms of professional players, suitable accommodation.

-mental comfort

-trust, believe in the strength of each individual, each player excels in something different and for that you need to emphasize – coach knows the best which player/ tactics to use.


-one must fit into the other – the chain that is created must function “like a chain on a bicycle” if one parts falls out, we should have another to fill it in and switch on to a higher gear.

-super passing your comfort zone (train even if I don’t want to – run in the cold weather or rain).

-individual trainings (working on myself even outside of trainings, even mental training is a training, everything that will help my performance and progress).

-do the maximum so you can be satisfied with yourself.

-It doesn’t always bring a great result, but once it does it can have another benefit, which someone will notice and offer you a lucrative contract and maybe even to represent a company in advertising.

We wish you all the best, even if it’s not easy. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.



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