Job placements and negotiations.
When a player or team communicates with the players they can assume very difficult the actual price of a player. Many times it happens that after the communication of one or the other is wondering whether they have made a good deal.
If the club or players wants to make a good deal, then they should contact the agent / agency which is aware of the action at sporting market and can estimate fair price of a player and the real budget which is the team able to offer to a player. Yes, the agent will want to get the best possible deal for a player since he will receive a reward for handling. However agent or agency can realistically assess the situation, so that all parties are happy. A good agent is not looking only for short-term profits, but wants the player to move forward and to have a long-term cooperation which will benefit both, the player and agent. Clubs receive many emails and sport CVs from players every day and many of them will not be even opened and be just simply deleted. It is always better and easier way for clubs to find an agent / agency which cooperates with them for a long term. This is how the clubs can easily get to the desired player very quickly.