Team sports advantages and disadvantages

Team sports advantages and disadvantages

Sports accompany our lives for thousands of years. It is not possible to say precisely when the sport originated, but it is estimated that the first indications of sport activities date back to ancient times where the Olympics originated. At the beginning people knew only basic sports such as athletics and football. Nowadays we know hundreds of different kinds of sports which were created in sequence in thousands years.

One of the fundamental breakdowns of sport is dividing it between individual and collective kinds of sports activities. As well as in individual sport also in team sport we are faced with major obstacles, hard work, hours spent in training but all these challenging workouts bring us success at the end. In this blog, I decided to bring positive and negative aspects, which entail collective species.

Advantages of team sports

Each team sport conceals a large number of positive points that are useful for every player, whether in sports performance or even in personal life. One of the big positives of team sports, as the name implies is a collective. Unlike individual sports, the player in team sport can rely on his teammates when he is not doing well. Players can rely on each other and complement each other in sporting activities, as each player excels in something different. Teammates may also be the motivators for players who would like to quit with sport. Mainly a collective can be the main reason why a player who wants to end up with playing decides to continue playing with the team.

 It brings advantages also for children. Children who begin to play sports with others can be easily integrated into collective in normal life. Children also donĀ“t feel very isolated when they are included in collective sport. Playing team sports brings for the children a certain method of teaching about personal values. They may also be beneficial for the mental health of the child; the children can learn sooner to be more durable if they encounter some obstacles.


As team sports offer the benefits they also carry with them a certain characteristics which are not very convenient for the athlete but there is certainly less of them than the advantages. As a disadvantage of team sports we can consider that one of the players is oppressed and forced out of the collective, which can then also manifest in everyday life, for example, in a job where you will not be able to express your opinion.

For the children the disadvantage can be if a child gets to team where he will be forced for example to smoke or drink alcohol. However, for that in every team should be a coach so he knows how to secure this collective and properly motivate it.

The result of all this is that the team is a good collective and they all hold together, it will bring not only personal advantage but they will also be successful in matches if they can support one another and play collectively.



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