To sign or not to sign? Sports AGENT and PLAYER.
Many agents and managers solve the issue of signing before they start to work with players. To sign or not to sign? If sign than when exactly? There are several situations we are facing. Not always the player trust you in first moment you meet him and you need to prove to him that you are really good agent, and you have really a lot of the contacts to maximize the potential to found a regular team.
How to do that my players can trust me? It’s not so simple as it seems. It is not that easy as example: player signed a cooperation agreement with me and I found him contract after a couple of days later. That would be the ideal that everyone would have liked. The player would be glad if his agent found him a club after a few days or weeks. Neither you distrust of the person who first met, so build up trust between the player and you is important for agents job.
Experienced agents gets very often recommendations from other players of which were they satisfied. Indicating that the agent’s good reputation spreads cosmic speed.
It is easier for the more experienced agents to choose from the number of players which have been recommended to him. Is easier catch talented player who mostly signing the contract without problem and cooperate slightly faster than with the agent “starter”. Everything is only because such agent has more years in a row and hence more experience and contacts.
If you decide to be the agent full-time, so these few lines are for you. Starting agent has to prove that he is also the right one and also has plenty of contacts which acquired during their player or coaching time.
Sometimes is not bad to be a little patient in this business. For example: you scout a player who is young and talented. You would like to sign him but the player do not trust you. You have to turn situation on your side by being interested about him, exhibit an extended period of time and the player has expressed his interest of signing a deal with you and cooperate.
This example do not working: “Hi I’m Mr.Carrot signing a contract with me because I am the best agent in the world and I have the lot of contacts.”
Here’s how it works. You have to start systematically and patiently although mainly in sports business you must be in the right place at the right time and be on the phone 24 hours a day 7 days a week when you communicate with the world.
If you are interested in talented young players: is good scheduled to go to visit his match. Communicate with him throughout the season. Prove to him that he is a suitable candidate from which can grow very successful athlete and you are looking exactly the talent like him.
Players are always happy when the agent take care about them all the time. Players will want to return to those agents who are constantly in touch. It is not always about how many contacts you have but also about how you debate with the players and what interest you have about them. You have to build trust from the very first moment when you begin to debate with the players. Every time when begins there will be very many situations from which you can learn and take lessons, but it should be based on honesty and sincere communication. It also happens that the people that do the work as agent only part-time job have tend to be succeeding, but only to some extent. From 10 players sign 1 because in right moment he asked the right player which club needed. We can talk sometimes about luck. Be on right place in right moment. If you do it full-time you will have better overview and you can build a stronger network than the agent who do only part-time job. Sometimes it is also about luck but if you have a strong relationship with the club or the coach you can manage your players and push them to the right places.
For your reputation is better have 4-5 players and replace them all, then have 30 players and sign only 3-4. Rest of the players for which you did not found the place will not give good references to others and you will perhaps loose clients in the future.
It remains responds a question to sign or not to sign players? Sure sign the player, if not immediately then over time. As we wrote above we need to build each other trust. Next, you will determine the rules under which it will operate your cooperation. Each player and agent’s is different personality and everyone need to meet others conditions. It is necessary to find a common path that will suit the players and agent. Be sure there are no late complications.
When is good time to sign the player? Before or after I start looking club for him?
Very common situation is that 2 or 3 agents offer same player to the same club and that is the problem. It happen mostly in smaller market as volleyball and handball in football and basketball is rare but sometimes is happening there as well.
It depends only on you which way you will choose. It is better always have a signed player, or if not immediately, than agree with him, that when you have the club which wishes to sign him he sign with you as wells. If such club or players avoids you is very easy for you select people and clubs with which you will cooperate in the future. There are many players and clubs that will seek ways to save and not to pay the agent’s commission.
If you want to find club for your friend, make an agreement between him and you also because when it comes to money friendship have no boundaries. Be sure there will be no complications, is always better to have everything on paper. Surely you’ve met with the fact of your own friends from your home country, they did not pay you because they thought you are his friend and you will not take care at all. You have to realize that if you do it full time job you have to get paid for it. If you leave it like that, it will turns against you and lot of people will starts abusing you.
It’s all about priorities that you should clarify. If you do this job as part time and have fun with that, is really not a problem if someone avoid you or do not pay you.
We wish you a successful and easy way of communicating with players and clubs.
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