Want to have success: Learn from more experienced.
Sports Agent: Learn from more experienced.
Do not hesitate to ask for an advice and learn from more experienced. Agents involved in this field longer, will know how and when to offer players and especially what players does the individual clubs search for. If you have a chance to learn from someone or at least cooperate with them, go for it. You will get valuable advice from them and you will further benefit from that. However try to find an agent with whom you share the same opinions, don’t try to backfire him, because it may cost you a lot. If you are not comfortable to be independent, you can work in the agency that brings together a number of agents and it can help you to gain confidence. Never forget that this work requires a lot of time, when it comes to failure don´t give up, it will be replaced with success. Work with humility and perseverance and don’t be afraid to communicate. Keep in mind that you are working with people which are often different nationalities.
Work systematically. Collect contacts, phone numbers, email contacts and store them. Create a database of players and divide it as you like. Do not underestimate it, because when you´ll have lot of players you will lose overview. If necessary you must be quick to react and respond if you have such a player for such a club and you can move around quickly. It saves your time and energy if you know where to find necessary details for the players. Time is often a big role and contributes to your success to place players into the clubs.
The most important is to have as much information as possible about the player, about his previous clubs, so when your club will be asking you will know about a certain player as much information as possible just when you need it. (for example: his strength and weakness, height, weight, what countries does he prefer, under what conditions is he able to play in that particular country, if he was injured lately, if he has solved everything with his previous club, is available to travel right away for testing, has all the documents (passport) ready, is married, children, if he will be traveling alone and etc.) You should be ready, so none of the questions will surprise you, only this way you will build your trust and professionalism.